Industry and Business

We are pleased to anounce 2 new additions to our production sector, which previously consisted of only gulags.
(Pictured above: Gulag)

Glorious Comrade Nairn's dog breeding farm:
Were all about the bitches!

Our vigorous research in dogs and dog reproduction has lead to the creation of a dog breeding farm inside the DPR of Country Style. So far, the farm only consists of one male dog and 2 female cats, but this farm is growing fast. 

Glorious Comrade Nairn's Pants Factory:
Were all about the briches!

Realizing that our hard working and happy citizens working in the gulag were freezing to death in the cold of winter without pants, our most intelligent leader Brenden Nairn decided to create a factory for the manufacturing of quality pantaloons, trousers, and pants.